Week four fortnite challenge. Fortnite doomsday preppers guide location fortnite week 4 legendary challenge..
Here is a breakdown of the five stages you need to complete for this week and the amount of xp you will earn for completing each stage..
Search the farm for clues 2 45000 xp..
Visit farmer steels favourite places 3 30000 xp..
Fortnites seventh week of its season 6 is here bringing with it a new batch of quests for players to completeseveral of this weeks challenges are well very challenging including one that..
Week 11 in fortnite has officially arrived and while the season seems to have flown by so fast its not quite over so dont slow down yet especially if you havent yet topped off the battle..
The seventh week of season 6 of fortnite is here and with it comes a new set of quests for players to complete..
Players have found that many of this weeks challenges are extremely difficult including one quest in which players must mark every single different weapon rarity type on the map..
Fortnite Season Six Week Four Challenges Guide Xblafans
Fortnite Season 6 Week 4 Challenges Fortnite Insider
Fortnite Season 4 Week 4 Challenges Fortnite Insider
Fortnite Week 4 Challenges Guide Search Buried Treasure Season 8 Digital Trends